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La jeunesse s’achète-t-elle?
La jeunesse s’achète-t-elle?
Du moins, pas encore. Inventée en 1993, la médecine antivieillissement engendre des chiffres d’affaires inversement proportionnels à son efficacité prouvée.
Patient im Datennetz
Die papierbasierten Patientenakten haben ausgedient – mit der Einfüh- rung der elektronischen Gesundheitsakte beginnt auch in der Schweiz der Aufbau einer E-Health-Infrastruktur, die effiziente und sichere Behandlungen ermöglichen soll. Dabei fällt allerdings eine grosse Menge elektronisch gespeicherter Patientendaten an. Der Schutz der heiklen Informationen muss oberste Priorität haben und stellt hohe Anforderungen an den Datenschutz.
NGLS interviews Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Chair of the UN NGO Committee on Ageing Geneva and President of the Geneva International Network on Ageing
NGLS interviews Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Chair of the UN NGO Committee on
Ageing Geneva and President of the Geneva International Network on Ageing
On the occasion of the eighteenth session of the Human Rights Council and the 20th annual celebration of the UN International Day of Older Persons (1 October), a High- level Panel on Older Women and the Right to Health was held on 26 September in Geneva. The Panel was co-sponsored by the UN NGO Committee on the Status of Women Geneva and a number of other civil society organizations including the Geneva International Network on Ageing; the Women’s UN Report Network (WUNRN); Help Age International; and the International Disability Alliance.
«Altern bedeutet nicht nur Abstieg und Abbau»
Die Genfer Psychologin und Anti-Aging-Spezialistin Astrid Stuckelberger
plädiert für ein positives Bild des Alters und des Alterns.
Bioethics Caribe
- Abstracts
- Ethics, Equality & Stigma – Some Issues of Relevance to the English-Speaking Caribbean
- The Changing Face of Stigma: Social Taboos and Ethics
- Disclosure of STD infection to sex partners in Louisiana
- Ethics and Inequalities Associated with Caribbean Impacts of Climate Change
- The Ethical Challenge Posed by Stigma to Public Health Promotion Campaigns and the Health- Care Professional Patient Interaction
- Human Rights: A Framework for Confronting Stigma in the Caribbean
- Ethics, Equality and Stigma: a Canadian Perspective
- Ethical dilemmas of critically and terminally ill HIV/AIDS patients in the ICU